Tim Bradshaw, the chief executive of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities, which attract large numbers of overseas students, said international fees are reinvested into education and research to benefit all students. In practice, they need a higher and higher proportion of international students each year.” “I know would like to take more UK students, but the finance directors will be saying it doesn’t add up. “Universities have lost a third of their money to inflation since 2012, and most of that loss has been in the last 18 months,” he said. Mark Corver, the managing director and co-founder of dataHE, which helps universities use data, has calculated that, taking inflation into account, domestic tuition fees are now worth about £6,000 in 2012’s money. Graphic showing how the proportion of income received from overseas students has risen in two-thirds of UK universities An overseas undergraduate pays on average £22,000 a year, according to estimates by the British Council, which is used to offset the decreasing value of domestic fees that remain capped at £9,250, having barely increased since they were introduced in 2012.

Universities can charge overseas students significantly higher tuition fees. The Guardian’s analysis of the latest data from the Higher Education Statistics Authority (Hesa), covering 155 universities, comes amid mounting concern about the growing reliance of the UK university sector on income from international students. They support courses which we would be unable to offer to our UK students without their recruitment and they greatly support our university finances.”

Prof Quintin McKellar, Hertfordshire’s vice-chancellor, said: “Overseas students bring vibrancy and energy to our universities. Meanwhile, the University for the Creative Arts, which also specialises in art and design, and the University of Hertfordshire have registered the biggest increases in international tuition fee income share, rising from 13% to 33% of total income in six years. Graphic showing how much of UK universities’ income comes from overseas students